How To Turn Your Vision Into An Executable Plan In 1 Hour or Less.
Get Instant Access to A Proven Framework That Will Help You Create a Clear Roadmap To Take Your Vision From Idea to Execution.
If You Want To Have A Clear Roadmap To Take Your Vision From Idea To Execution - Read This Entire Letter Right Now

From Marisa Burmaster
Columbus, Ohio

Dear brothers and sisters,

My name is Marisa Burmaster, and I'm here today because I've created a workshop called "Setting Goals in Faith" that I think you are going to love.

This is a framework that I have used for over 10 years to help organizations and individuals take their dreams and turn them into an executable plan.

About 2 years ago I felt the Lord tell me to stop building people's plans for them and focus my energy on teaching them how to build their own. 

Through that Rhema word from the Lord, this workshop was built.  

This framework was birthed out of over 10 years of experience watching people try and fail at effectively managing change because they had great ideas, they just didn't know how to organize them to bring them to life.  I am extremely passionate about helping people’s dreams become reality.  It is the greatest honor to be a faithful witness to what God is doing through the people around me!

I have a particular grace on my life for helping people work more effectively together and I knew that God was calling me to share this with the world.

When I reflected on everything I had learned over the years working in change management I was convinced I could build a way for others to leverage the same structure that I have used successfully for over 10 years, without having to go back to school and earn a master's degree to learn how to do it like I did!

And then the Lord spoke to me again.  He reminded me of a scripture in Habakkuk.

"Then the Lord answered me and said, "Write down the vision and inscribe it clearly on tablets, so that one who reads it may run."
Habakkuk 2:2 NASB2020
And then it hit me.  

Why not share with you the same structure that I have used to help hundreds of people develop out plans to achieve their goals? 

What I know is that the key to success with every initiative, big or small, is taking the time to set goals and develop action steps to achieve them.

Why is this important?

Because the secret to an effective life is focus.

Writing down our vision and co-creating a plan with God to achieve it is an act of FAITH and is our first step.
Setting Goals in Faith
The world is full of distractions, and the enemy wants nothing less than to rob you of fulfilling the dreams that God has laid on your heart. 

But to achieve our dreams, we need to decide what really matters and focus on that.  

There are 4 types of people in the world:

1. People who make things happen
2. People who watch things happen
3. People who have no idea what's happening
4. People who never do anything themselves but criticize those who are making the effort.

Who do you want to be?

How To See Your Vision Come To Life. Without Feeling Overwhelmed, Frustrated Or Stuck.

Do you have a dream that you have given up on that you would like to bring back to life?

Have you become frustrated because you feel stuck and are not sure what to do?

Do you feel overwhelmed at the size of the vision you have and are not sure where to start?

Do you lead a team and need to create structure so you can more effectively work together?

If so, this is for you.

Setting goals is an act of FAITH.  When we set a goal and plan of action to achieve it, our dreams come to life.

If you aim at nothing, you are going to achieve it. So why not aim straight towards your goals?

Use This Proven 1 Hour Method To Turn Your Vision Into An Executable Plan

If you don't have goals in different areas of your life, you are either staying the same or going backwards. You can only coast if you're going downhill.

So are you ready? Have I convinced you yet that you need to set goals and create a plan to achieve them?

I hope so!

Whether you are an individual that has dreams that you want to partner with God and see manifest, or you lead a team of people that you want to rally together and step out in faith to accomplish something collectively, this is for you!

Take a look at the dreams you've given up on. Let's add some goals and action steps and see what God does!

Create A Clear Roadmap To Take Your Vision From Idea To Execution in 1 Hour or Less
I charge over $1000 for an in-person workshop to teach this method.  But you can have it
For Only $7.00
Yes... for this TEMPORARY low price, you can get access to a framework that took me HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars of student loans to learn and OVER 10 YEARS to simplify and perfect.

YES MARISA! Give Me Instant Access To The Setting Goals in Faith Webinar RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
Learn How Every Ministry Leader, Team Leader, and Dreamer Can Turn Their Vision Into An Executable Plan
In fact...
Check out some of the industries that have used this framework to build out executable plans to achieve their goals.
  • ​Churches
  • ​Parachurch Ministries
  • ​Healthcare Providers
  • ​Medical Transport
  • ​Recovery Providers
  • ​Hospitals
  • ​New Business Owners
  • ​​Lab Technicians
  • ​Revenue Cycle Teams
  • ​Flight Instructors
  • ​Pastors
  • ​Teachers
  • ​Marketers
  • ​and many, many more!
What Do Some of The World's Greatest Leaders Say About Goal Setting?
When You Get Access to the Setting Goals in Faith Webinar (For Just $7.00)
You'll Get The Webinar and All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Setting Goals in Faith Webinar
An Interactive Training
Interactive Training - Teach and Do
Total Value: $999
This interactive training makes it easy to help you and your team set goals and create an executable plan to bring your dreams to life.  

By using a 'teach and do' method, this training will teach you why it is important to set goals and will provide you with a proven structure to begin crafting your goals and action plan today.

This video will supplement the FAITH Goal Setting Discovery Tool, and will allow you to train your team or other people within your circle of influence on how to use the framework as well.
Get This When You Purchase Access to the Setting Goals in Faith Webinar Today! 
Bonus #1 - Setting Goals in Faith Discovery Tool
Print And Use the Setting Goals in Faith  Discovery Tool
Total Value: $97
This PDF version of the discovery tool will walk you through the step-by-step process to write out your goals and the action steps to achieve them.  Others have paid over $99 for just this alone, but you'll be getting it FREE when you order the Setting Goals in Faith Workshop today!
Get This For FREE When You Purchase Access to the Setting Goals in Faith Webinar Today! 
Bonus #2 - Setting Goals in Faith Powerpoint
PowerPoint Version to Hold Your Own Workshops with Your Teams
Total Value: $97
This powerpoint version of the presentation will allow you to hold your own training using this method without having to recreate a wheel. 

Others have paid over $199 for just the presentation alone, but you'll be getting it FREE when you order the Setting Goals in Faith Workshop today!
Get This For FREE When You Purchase Access to the Setting Goals in Faith Workshop Today! 
Bonus #3 - Setting Goals in Faith Excel Templates
All Excel Templates For Download
Total Value: $97
If you are anything like me, you want to build your frameworks in excel so they can be easily saved on your computer and shared with others.

When you purchase the webinar today, as an added bonus, I am including all of the templates in their original excel formats!  

This will keep you from having to recreate any structure.  Everything is provided for you to not only build your plan, but to help others build theirs as well. 
Get This For FREE When You Purchase Access to the Setting Goals in Faith Webinar Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
The catch is....

There is no catch!

I really wanted to provide you with the most value for this workshop that I could develop so it would be a no-brainer for you to hit that purchase button!

The world is waiting for you to step out in faith and do that thing that God is calling you to do.

But we need to create some structure behind your dream or it will remain just that......a dream.

I do secretly hope you join our Facebook Community and tell me all about the progress you are making towards your goals and if this training was able to help you!  So maybe that is the catch!

Surrounding yourself with a community of people who can encourage you and help you stay motivated to achieve your goals - I don't really consider that a catch - maybe another free bonus however!
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
I normally provide this training for over $1000 in person, and people think I am crazy for basically giving it away for $7.00.

I do agree with them, but I wanted to get this out to more people than charging $1000 would allow me to reach.

So I wanted this to be a no-brainer purchase.

I am not sure why you have even scrolled this far and not purchased yet!  

That was time you could have been spending developing out your plan to achieve the dream that is on your heart.  

You should not wait one more minute!  Lets get started already!

This price is going up soon, I wanted to offer it this low for a short period of time so that anyone on any budget could get in on these secrets to success.

So you better act fast!
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
I 100% guarantee that you'll love this workshop or I'll return your $7 and let you keep the content anyway.

I'll take all the risk on this I believe in it so much.

If you don't feel the Setting Goals in Faith Webinar and Bonuses are worth much more than what you invested, drop me an email within 10 days of getting access and I'll refund your $7.  No questions asked.  Fair enough?

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order My Setting Goals in Faith Workshop:
YES MARISA! Give Me Instant Access To The Setting Goals in FAITH Webinar RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
  Instant Access To The Setting Goals in Faith Webinar (Value $997)
  One Pager That Outlines the Step-By-Step Framework (Value $197)
  BONUS: Setting Goals in Faith Discovery Tool (Value $97)
  BONUS:  Setting Goals in Faith Powerpoint Presentation (Value $97)
  BONUS:  Setting Goals in Faith Excel Templates (Value $97)
Total Value: $1,485
Today Just $7
Ok, you've heard me beg you to put some structure around your goals enough.  

I have to go get working on my goals too.

I hope you enjoy the workshop.  I hope you use it over and over to do all the things that God calls you to do.  I hope you teach other people how to use it to achieve their goals too.

May God Bless You and Keep You.


Go be awesome,
Marisa Burmaster
P.S. Did you scroll all the way to the bottom of this page first to see what the deal was?  Ha!

You're my kind of person.  I get it, just get to the point already!

The point is, God has plans for you to achieve big goals that you are not doing because you have never taken the time to write down those goals and create a plan to achieve them.

This workshop will walk you through a proven step-by-step method to take your dreams from idea to execution in as little as 1 hour.  Whether you are an individual with a dream in your heart or a leader who needs to effectively rally your troops to achieve a collective goal, this is for you.  

There are tons of bonuses packed in.  The workshop and bonuses were packaged in a way that you can not only learn how to do it yourself, but you can take all the content and go teach others how to do it too.  And it's only $7.  I laugh even writing that.  But it is true.  Only $7.

So click the button below so we can get started already!
YES MARISA! Give Me Instant Access To 'Setting Goals in FAITH Webinar' RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything Your Going To Get
  • Instant Access To The Setting Goals in Faith Webinar (Value $997)
  • One Pager That Outlines the Step-By-Step Framework (Value $197)
  • Instant Access to the Setting Goals in Faith Discovery Tool (Value $97)
  • ​Powerpoint Presentation for Immediate Download (Value $97)
  • Excel Templates for Immediate Download (Value $97)
Total Value: $1,485
Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $19: Do you want instant access to the MP3 version of the workshop so you can listen to the training when you are on the go? PLUS a direct download of the full script that I use to teach this workshop? Then this one time, exclusive offer is for you! Click 'YES' to add this to your order right now for only $19.

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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